Cerulean Kasuri Selvedge
The latest Kasuri denim uses traditional Japanese dyeing techniques to yield a brilliant Cerulean shade of indigo. Kasuri refers to how the indigo yarns are dyed. Usually in rope-dyeing, white yarns are dipped into an indigo dye bath but never for long enough to allow the dye to penetrate the core of the yarn, leaving the core white. Kasuri dyeing, however, complicates the rope-dyeing process to achieve this beautiful spectrum of indigo on the face of the fabric. Before being dipped in indigo, the yarns are bound in sections so tightly that those sections can’t absorb the dye. After each dip, the binds are moved to different sections of the yarns, and then the yarns are dipped again. Because some sections of yarn have been exposed to more indigo than other sections, the hues are varied throughout the fabric reminiscent of seeing rain falling hard in some places and less hard in others. Its 12.5 oz weight is light enough for warmer days but substantial enough to be a year-round daily driver.
Available Friday February 5th @ 11AM EST